A tree for my neighborhood | Growing the Montreal canopy

A tree for my neighborhood is back with its selection of trees offered at bargain prices to residents of the island of Montreal.

This initiative by eco-neighborhoods and Soverdi is an invitation to make a concrete gesture to fight against climate change. The campaign is part of the Climate Montreal plan, which aims to plant 500,000 trees on the island’s territory by 2030. More than 20% of the trees planted on private and institutional plots in the city come from this initiative, launched in 2013, which should see its 30,000e tree take root this spring.

Around sixty species are offered. The selection varies depending on the neighborhood and includes ornamental trees, fruit trees and conifers measuring 1 to 3 meters when purchased. If you still have a corner to green in your yard or in the alley, act quickly! Some more popular varieties, like fruit trees, go quickly. Prices start at $25 per unit.

Visit the A tree for my neighborhood website

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