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Restaurants, house parties, shows… despite the health crisis, the French woke up late Friday, December 31 to celebrate the transition to the New Year in their own way.
Mirror balls and feathers were the order of the day, before the midnight hugs. On the Champs-Élysées (Paris), tens of thousands of revelers from all over the world gathered to celebrate the transition to 2022. Faced with the health context, Swedish tourists found the parade: “People manage to party casually (…). It’s happy and very pleasant to live“.
Bastille district in Paris, party favors flutter around in a restaurant. “We see that 2022 is coming, a good year“Comments a customer. In this Dijon cabaret, the count comes after a show made of feathers and sequins. Despite the ban on dancing, customers are satisfied to be able to party. Others did not resist. the urge to sway, like a Caen, where about fifty young people met in an apartment.