A transgender American becomes the 2nd greatest champion of Jeopardy!

(Washington) A transgender American woman rose to second place on Monday in the history of the mythical game show Jeopardy! by winning a 39and consecutive victory for a total gain of more than 1.3 million dollars.

Posted at 2:34 p.m.

Amy Schneider, a 42-year-old engineer from Oakland, California, is still a long way from becoming the unrivaled champion, however: record holder Ken Jennings racked up 74 victories in 2004.

“It’s still unreal,” she said on the show’s Twitter account on Tuesday. “You have to be so focused, and this weekend I knew I had that chance. I really thought about it”.

In early January, she became the first woman to reach $1 million in earnings at age 28.and victory, a record that some detractors had downplayed due to his trans identity.

“The best thing for me is being on TV, being my true self, speaking out and representing the whole transgender community,” she replied to them on the show on Monday. Good Morning America.

She wants to show “something different by just being a smart, confident woman doing something very normal like switching to Jeopardy! “.

To explain her journey, she says she is “only curious” and has “spent (her) life learning a lot of things”.

She is now aiming for the record of Ken Jennings, who has been one of the game’s acting animators since this season.

“I’m so glad it’s Ken, he knows what it’s like to be in my situation and right now he’s the only one who knows and it’s comforting to have him on stage,” he said. she explained on Twitter.

Jeopardy! debuted on American television in 1964. The game, based on general knowledge, has the particularity of offering answers for which players must formulate the corresponding question in different categories.

It was featured for 36 years by host Alex Trebek, who died of cancer in November 2020.

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