a training shot starts a fire in “an area polluted by explosives” of the Canjuers military camp

Six hundred hectares of vegetation burned in this camp. Firefighters were unable to act for much of the day because the fire was evolving in “an area polluted with explosives and unexploded ordnance”.

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A shot during military training sparked a fire in the Canjuers military camp in the Var on the morning of Saturday June 18, indicates the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (Sdis) to franceinfo. Six hundred hectares of vegetation burned in this camp, according to the latest report from the firefighters, at 7 p.m.

The fire which started around 9am this morning is about to be fixed. Four Canadair and a helicopter were engaged, says Sdis 83 on Twitter. Two hundred and thirty firefighters and military firefighters from the Canjuers camp are mobilized, with the reinforcement of a good hundred rescuers from the Brignoles civil security training and intervention unit (UIISC7 ), specifies on France Bleu Provence, the captain Olivier Pécot, in charge of the communication of the Sdis du Var.

The firefighters were unable to act for much of the day because the fire was evolving in “an area polluted with explosives and unexploded ordnance”. It was therefore too dangerous to intervene. The explosions were very frequent. It was necessary to wait for the fire to get out of this dangerous zone to “take action”says Captain Pécot.

Captain Pécot ensures that no dwelling is in danger because “the Canjuers camp, and this is its specificity, is a desert with vegetation so that the operational units of the Army can train in the most real conditions”. However, two flocks of sheep were brought to safety by firefighters, representing 2,500 animals.

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