a trader throws cherry tomatoes at the crowd during the presidential visit



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The gesture caused brief concern in the crowd, and an umbrella was briefly deployed to protect the head of state.

For his first public trip since his re-election, Emmanuel Macron received a rather enthusiastic welcome in Cergy (Val-d’Oise), Wednesday April 27. But his security briefly worried about a projectile jet: cherry tomatoes grazed the President of the Republic and hit several people at his side, prompting his bodyguards to deploy an umbrella to protect him. The walkabout continued, however. And it is not certain that the gesture had a political meaning.

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According to a journalist from France Télévisions, this throw of small tomatoes is the work of a market trader visited by Emmanuel Macron, exasperated that his stall was jostled by the crowd accompanying this trip. He was targeting journalists and the public more than Emmanuel Macron, believes this witness to the scene.

In the video, the tomatoes are seen touching a member of security, and the bodyguards are heard shouting “projectile” before unfolding the umbrella.

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