The 44-year-old teacher was arrested on April 11. Several computers were seized from his home. He is prohibited from practicing his profession.
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A teacher from an elementary school in Tours (Indre-et-Loire) was indicted for “acquisition” and “possession of child pornography images” on the evening of Thursday April 13, franceinfo learned from the city’s deputy public prosecutor. He was placed under judicial supervision with a ban on exercising “an activity involving habitual contact with minors”so his job as a school teacher, specifies the magistrate.
According to a police source, the investigators received an alert, at the end of March, after the downloading of several tens of thousands of child pornography images, precisely 56,000 images between 2021 and 2023. The age of the children on the files is estimated between 1 and 15 years, specifies this source.
This 44-year-old man was arrested on April 11, a police source told franceinfo. It is the IP address which made it possible to identify the respondent, married and father of a family, adds this source. Following a search carried out at his place of work and at his home, several computers were seized, according to this police source.