A Toulouse nutritionist gives you advice to rest your liver before the New Year

Christmas Eve is over, the foie gras has been swallowed, you are still quenching the champagne from the day before. And now you have to start thinking about the gargantuan meal for the New Year … Your stomach can not take it any more so how to have a good holiday?

Marie Erbin is a dietician and nutritionist in the Toulouse district of Jolimont. “No need to do detox cures, it’s only marketing: our body is quite capable of detoxifying itself”, she advises, thanks to the liver which needs to be hydrated.

“First, the holidays must remain a source of pleasure” wants to warn Marie Erbin. But now we must eat lighter “especially by avoiding cooked fats, sauces. And then rehydrate well to compensate for excess alcohol”.

Here is a recipe to apply for your meals the day after the holidays : a plate made up of half of vegetables (roasted, in soup, steamed, as you want, there is a choice!), a quarter of a plate of starches (whole grains or pulses for example) and the last quarter made up protein (a little meat, leftover salmon or two eggs).

Without depriving yourself of dessert, assures Marie Erbin: “a dairy rather than a cheese and then a fresh fruit”.

Limit yourself a little while remaining in a pleasure diet – Marie Erbin, dietician and nutritionist in Toulouse

And if between now and the New Year, you have run out of inspiration to find balanced recipes, Marie Erbin offers some on her Instagram page.

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