A Tinder meeting turns into horror: a young attacker from Laval bites his victim to “mark his territory”

A young sex offender from Laval who had bitten his victim to “mark his territory” was sentenced to 48 months in prison, he who had been seen by the police hiding evidence before his arrest.

“The victim clearly and repeatedly sought to repel his attacker who nevertheless persisted in various ways to obtain sexual favors,” said judge Marc-André Dagenais, in a recent decision.

Murtaza Bisoodi hoped for clemency from the court by obtaining home imprisonment and 240 hours of community service, but the magistrate had no choice but to take action in the face of the seriousness of the crimes.

The 24-year-old accused had met his victim via the Tinder application. After several days of exchanging messages, they agreed to meet in a park. Since it was raining, Bisoodi offered the young woman to take shelter in her car.

But the meeting took a disturbing turn when the accused began to display several weapons, namely a firearm hidden in a “man-purse” with a magazine and an air gun, a knife and a brass knuckles.

She ‘is his’ for the summer

“He explains that he has enemies, that he used the weapon in the past to shoot at a car and that he now wishes to change his life,” reads the judgment.

At one point, Bisoodi asks the victim to undress and he begins to touch her body in various places. Although she says no several times, he demands sexual favors from the young woman.

“The victim tries in vain to push the offender’s head back. This one tells her that he made bites to “mark his territory” and that she “is his” for the summer”, is it related.

The accused finally went to drive the victim home, after having suffered numerous refusals.

He will hide evidence

Three weeks later, the accused was contacted by a Laval police officer, asking him to come to the station so that he could be arrested.

However, on the way, he is seen by a police surveillance team going to a wooded area to conceal objects there.

The police then recovered his bag, a tank top and bullets. Later, ammunition was found in the vehicle used in the assault.

Another car belonging to the accused is searched. There is an air gun, a kitchen knife. At his home, the police discovered a brass knuckles, a firearm and a magazine with ammunition.

Worrying hostility

The accused cut court proceedings short by pleading guilty to the charges against him, thus avoiding a trial.

Reports concerning him, however, mention disturbing elements.

“As a result of the charges, the offender opts for an avoidance strategy towards women, based on cognitive distortions that women are threatening and malicious. The criminologist even uses the term “hostility”. The offender’s current approach to women is concerning,” the decision read.

The judge is also concerned that the accused “does not hesitate not only to circulate with several handguns and other weapons, but to handle them in front of the one who will then become his victim”.

As requested by the Crown prosecutor in the case, the accused was thus sentenced to 48 months’ imprisonment by Judge Dagenais.

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