a thwarted start to the mandate for the Élysée




Article written by

V. Lerouge, C. Graziani, G. Daret, JM. Hammer, L. Dulois – France 2

France Televisions

All eyes are now on the assembly, where Elisabeth Borne will deliver her general policy speech on Wednesday July 6th. She did not seek a vote of confidence, however. The RN seemed ready to abstain, but this concession could have hindered the executive. Decryption.

The new government is complete, Monday, July 4: 42 ministers and secretaries of state, summoned to get to work. The hardest part is yet to come, because the start of Emmanuel Macron’s term of office is already upset. Elisabeth Borne, the Prime Minister, first renounces the vote of confidence. “There was a risk that confidence would only be gained through the abstention of the RN. It wasn’t worth it, it would have been badly perceived by public opinion“, recognizes a leader of the majority.

Failing to have gone to look for ministers on the left or among the Republicans, Elisabeth Borne is betting on new profiles, with the arrival of an emergency doctor, an economist and the boss of the Red Cross. “It gives legitimacy to more easily build compromises“, estimates an adviser of the Elysée. The minister of the relations with the Parliament was also replaced. The reason? “With Olivier Véran, there was too much roughness“, estimates an adviser of the Elysée.

However, this will not be enough to secure a majority in the Assembly. The Élysée would have made up its mind: “it will be a text-by-text processEasier said than done, however: even on purchasing power, the Republicans’ proposals seem crippling for the government.

Each bill thus risks becoming an obstacle course. “[Emmanuel Macron] will wring it to the end. And when it goes into the wall with the oppositions, it will dissolve. But not before“, thinks an adviser to the executive.

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