a thriller about the duality of the fight that the survivors of the attacks have to face



Article written by

Christophe Molmy, former head of the BRI and author of “The soul pit “, is the guest of 23h of franceinfo.

What is the border between good and evil? At what level is the tipping point? It is, among others, to these two questions that Christophe Molmy tries to answer, former head of the BRI who directed the interventions of the Hypercacher and the Bataclan during the attacks of 2015. He publishes in this sense The soul pit published by La Martinière. “I wanted to talk about resilience“, explains the former policeman.

Hit hard by an attack, the main hero is confronted with his own demons because he must choose between resilience or a fight that is not necessarily moral, “a very black spiral“, sums up the author.”We’re still all more or less on the ridge“, believes the latter who chose to describe the terrorist attack on which the novel opens from the point of view of the hero who survived. Finally, even if Christophe Molmy admits that there is something cathartic in the fact for writing this novel, “it was not the primary goal“.


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