A threat of strike looms at Orléans Express

(Montreal) A strike threat weighs on Autocars Orléans Express, which provides intercity transportation between major cities in Quebec.

The union which represents 77 bus drivers, members of the Union of Service Employees (UES-800), affiliated with the FTQ, has just adopted a mandate for an unlimited general strike, to be launched at the appropriate time. They voted 96% in favor of the strike mandate during general meetings held over the past few days.

The union specifies that the territory served goes from Ottawa to Gaspé, via Montreal, Trois-Rivières, Drummondville, Quebec, Rivière-du-Loup and Rimouski.

Negotiations have been going on for several months, in conciliation, then in mediation.

Light pressure tactics, such as wearing buttons, have already begun.

The dispute concerns both salaries and benefits.

Two other days of negotiations are planned, March 20 and 21.

The employment contract expired on March 31, 2023.

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