A thousand secrets, a thousand dangers adapted for the big screen

New project in sight for director Philippe Falardeau: he is tackling the film adaptation of the novel A thousand secrets, a thousand dangersby Alain Farah.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

Stephanie Morin

Stephanie Morin
The Press

Indeed, the micro_scope production company has acquired the cinematographic rights to the literary work published by Éditions du Quartanier in September 2021. Philippe Falardeau (to whom we owe the TV series Raspberry timein particular) will co-sign the adaptation of the screenplay, together with the author.

“Since I’ve been writing, I’ve had the fantasy of seeing my stories come to life in the cinema,” Alain Farah said in a press release. To imagine a A thousand secrets, a thousand dangers adapted by Philippe Falardeau fills me with this almost disturbing joy that inhabits us when, so rarely, our fantasies are embodied in reality. I have admired Philippe’s work since The left half of the fridge. »

We started talking about the novel and the film together several weeks ago, and I discovered that we have the same relationship to work, based on dialogue, desire, intuition, and above all the same relationship to painful experiences. I launch dinghies, now that our collaboration is no longer a secret!

Alain Farah

As for Philippe Falardeau, he admits having had a crush on reading the novel. ” A thousand secrets, a thousand dangers came to me like a tropical storm, a fit of laughter, an anxiety attack, a desire to celebrate. I would say the book chose me, not the other way around. It is a dream marriage between the intimate and the social. Alain Farah’s insomniac universe is full of tenderness and humor and translates a desire to live that borders on madness. Which borders on mine anyway. »

He continues: “With Alain’s help, I hope to make a unique and personal film out of it. That said, don’t wait to see the movie to read the book! »

A thousand secrets, a thousand dangers was a finalist for the Prix des libraires du Québec and the Prix littéraire des collégiens.

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