A thousand bikers gathered in front of the town hall of Rouen to fight against the rules of the ZFE

This Saturday, more than a thousand motorcyclists gathered in front of the town hall, with their vehicles to denounce a decision that they judge “unfair“. From September 1, 2022, two-wheelers will also be subject to the obligation to have a sticker 1, 2 or 3 to be able to circulate in the cities included in the low emission zone (ZFE) of the Rouen metropolitan area. A rally that took place at the instigation of the French Federation of Angry Bikers 76.

A decision that does not understand Gwenaël Lamoureux, who is part of this collective. For him, motorcycling in the city has many advantages” That we give pride of place to the motorcycle since we give pride of place to the bicycle, exclaims the biker. We understand the interesting aspect of the bike, but the motorcycle, although it has a heat engine, it’s the same! She offers solutions. ! It improves traffic, because by putting more motorcycles, cars will circulate better. Its footprint on the pavement is zero, so there would be no more problem of pavement degradation. And then, when we park, we take up a quarter of the space of a car.” What the collective is asking for is that two wheels have an exception, and are not subject to the rules of the ZFE “As a biker, we only represent 2% of road users at the national level. So, even if we were excluded from the ZFEs, it wouldn’t change much in terms of pollution.”

The collective already announces that other mobilizations will take place before September.

source site-38