a third death in less than a week on the background of drug trafficking



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

N. Perez, A. Marie, G. ChaineH. Chapelon, C. Rigollet, P.-M. of the Foata – France 3

France Televisions

A man in his thirties was shot dead on the morning of Saturday May 13 in Valence. This is the third shooting in just four days.

A man in his thirties was shot dead in a small street in the heart of Valence (Drôme), at 9 a.m. on Saturday May 13. This is the third murder in less than a week. A few hundred meters away is the city of Fontbarlette, a hotspot for drug trafficking in the city. On Tuesday, a 29-year-old man was also shot dead there, in a turf war between traffickers. The next day, another man, also known for drug trafficking, was shot at close range on a roundabout.

Disillusioned residents

Police reinforcements were deployed on Friday throughout the area. Heavily armed police, accompanied by dogs specializing in narcotics, searched the city from top to bottom. A show of force, under the disillusioned gaze of the inhabitants. “It’s complicated, because there is no answer. The world pretends, nothing is moving”, laments one of them. In the afternoon, the director general of the national police moved to Valence, to reassure the inhabitants.

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