a tête-à-tête in camera between Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron at the G20



Article written by

V. Lerouge, A. Rougie, M. Ibounda, E. Jarlot – France 2

France Televisions

This is the meeting of the day. In Rome (Italy), on the sidelines of the G20, the meeting between Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron was eagerly awaited. The tête-à-tête, during which they discussed the fishing license issue, lasted about thirty minutes this Sunday, October 31.

The British Prime Minister and the French President met in front of the Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy, in a family photo with G20 leaders. Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron then spoke, behind closed doors, during a half hour, to mention in particular the explosive file of fishing licenses.

In the British press, Emmanuel Macron continues to scratch Boris Johnson. “When you spend years negotiating a treaty, and a few months later you do the opposite, […] it is not a very big proof of your credibility “, declared the French head of state. For his part, the British Prime Minister complained, Saturday, October 30, of the posture of Paris to the President of the European Commission. The hot topic of fishing has eclipsed other G20 issues between France and the UK.

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