After the arrival of Jenifer during the launch of the return of the star Academy, a week ago, several artists accompanied the students of the new promotion. Juliette Armanet, Julien Clerc, Amir, Naps, Adé and Lewis Capaldi.
The Scottish singer sang one of his new songs forget me and shared a duet with the best contestant of the week, Anisha on the tube Someone you loved. A duo that enchanted the public and social networks. “I don’t have the words, it’s impressive, it’s beyond my dreams”reacted the young woman at the end of the performance. “She has an amazing voice and she’s a lovely young girl. She’s got a lot of talent”commented the Scottish star.
Moreover, the interpreter of Before You Go made a momentous announcement last month. During a Instagram Live, the young man of 26 years had revealed to be suffering from the syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette. According to the brain institute, this disease “neuropsychiatry with a genetic component is characterized by involuntary, sudden, brief and intermittent tics, resulting in movements (motor tics) or vocalizations (sound tics) (…) which would affect approximately one person in 2000 in France (between 0.5 and 1% of the population), and more often boys than girls”.
“I wanted to talk about it because I didn’t want people to think I was doing cocaine or anything like that”he said. “My shoulder twitches when I’m excited, happy, nervous or stressed. It’s something I live with: it’s not as bad as it sounds. When they said to me, ‘We think you have Tourette’, I was like, ‘You know what? This makes so much sense.’ When I look back on my 2018 interviews, I can see I’m doing it.”
To heal, Lewis Capaldi indicates receiving “Botox injections in the shoulders to prevent them from moving”. But it is not always easy to live with this disease. “Some days it’s more painful than others, sometimes it’s quite unpleasant but that’s it.”
In May 2022, American singer Billie Eilish also revealed that she suffered from the same syndrome which she was diagnosed with at the age of 11.
See also: Excluded Public: Anisha (Star Academy): her very special story with a teacher revealed!
Adam Javal-Fauconnier