The cetacean had to be cut up with a mechanical shovel to be evacuated.
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A ten-ton humpback whale was stranded on the evening of Saturday July 8, around 10:30 p.m., on Embruns beach in Bidart, in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, between Saint-Jean-de-Luz and Biarritz, France Bleu reports this Sunday. Pays Basque. The city services took more than 2 hours to evacuate him.
The cetacean had to be cut with a mechanical shovel: “Fortunately she ran aground on a beach accessible to gear!”, confides the mayor of Bidart to France Bleu Pays Basque. He regrets that nothing was done earlier, when the animal had been spotted off the coast in recent days.
The humpback whale, which measures 10 meters long and weighs 10 tonnes, is currently in professional storage, pending analyzes to find out if it was sick or if it was hit by a boat offshore.