a teenager sentenced to eight years in prison

The teenager, author of the murder of Marjorie, 17, in 2021 in Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), was sentenced in June to eight years in prison, we learned this Wednesday from the Créteil prosecutor’s office. The teenager was 14 at the time. He is still in detention.

The juvenile court also sentenced him to follow educational measures for five years. And he ordered a socio-judicial follow-up during three years.

The case dates back to mas 2021. After “vehement” exchanges on social networks, the teenager had stabbed Marjorie in the chest, at the foot of a building in the Pierre-et-Marie-Curie housing estate in Ivry-sur-Seine. The young girl had come to explain herself to him. After a first altercation, the teenager had returned home and on the way down to go to football training, a second physical and verbal altercation had taken place. It was then that he fatally stabbed Marjorie.

The young boy was arrested a few hours later at his mother’s house in Essonne. He had quickly recognized the facts. At the time, Marjorie’s older sister commented that the teenager “had just come to solve a problem related to her little sister. She had come to calm the situation“.

Contacted Wednesday by AFP, Marjorie’s family lawyer could not be reached immediately.

This sentence leaves my client the possibility of reintegrating with a reasonable horizon, reacted for his part the lawyer for the teenager, Maître Adrien Gabeaud, who did not appeal this decision.

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