a teenager found dead in Vignoc, his stepfather in police custody

The body of the young man was found by residents on Sunday around 8 a.m., in front of the fence of the family home.

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A 16-year-old teenager was found dead on Sunday August 28 in Vignoc, Ille-et-Vilaine, reports France Bleu Armorique on Monday. His stepfather, a 34-year-old American, was taken into custody for intentional homicide, the prosecution said.

The body of the young man was found by residents on Sunday around 8 a.m., in front of the fence of the family home. He showed signs of beatings. He was to be autopsied on Monday. The public prosecutor and the medical examiner went to the scene. The investigators favor the criminal track.

According to the Mayor of Vignoc, the family was uneventful and had been living for five years in the housing estate where the tragedy took place. A blended family, with four children, including the victim, who had been educated at the Mézière college and who had played football in the Vignoc club. The criminal investigation was entrusted to the research brigade of the Rennes gendarmerie.

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