a teenager arrested in front of a high school in the city center with a knife and a taser

The scene took place this Friday, September 16 in front of the private high school “Les Arcades” located near Place Saint Michel in the heart of Dijon. The tone was rising between young people against a backdrop of love rivalry and jealousy. The Principal Education Advisor (CPE) of the establishment, who witnessed the scene, decided to sound the alarm to prevent the situation from degenerating.

Weapons discovered on one of the young high school students

The initiative of the high school CPE was happy to say the least because, once there, the police intervention squad discovered on one of the teenagers involved in this start of the fight, a knife and a taser, a electric pulse gun. The 16-year-old was then arrested and taken into custody. He is summoned before the prosecutor’s delegate at the end of this month of September. He will have no excuse to forget the date of this appointment, since it falls precisely on his birthday!

Incidents on the rise in schools

This type of incident involving students with bladed weapons has multiplied since the start of the school year. At the beginning of the month, in Dijon, a fight had degenerated on September 7 in the courtyard of the André Malraux college in the Toison d’Or district of Dijon. Two students and a music teacher were stabbed by a 13-year-old schoolboy.

Another attack of this type also marked the news on September 13 in Normandy. A teacher from Malherbe de Caen high school was attacked in her school. She was stabbed by a student. The latter was arrested.

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