The prefecture gave the Bourgeois factory in Dommartin three months to bring its installations into compliance and in particular prevent gases, potentially dangerous for the respiratory tract, from spreading.
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The Somme prefecture has put the Bourgeois factory in Dommartin, near Amiens, on notice for health and environmental risks, reported Thursday April 4, France Bleu Picardie. The prefectural decree was published on Tuesday. It gives the technical textile manufacturing site three months to carry out work and bring its facilities into compliance with the environmental code.
Bourgeois manufactures “high performance” textiles, used in sectors as varied as aeronautics, household appliances, boating, and even childcare. An inspection of the factory on October 16, 2023, revealed several breaches of health and environmental safety rules: odors, poorly ventilated storage areas, poorly stored products, poorly recorded entries and exits of products. However, several products are dangerous for the respiratory tract, underlines the prefectural decree.
Sanctions provided for by the environmental code
This decree enacts a precautionary measure, that is to say applicable upon notification to Bourgeois. The company must ensure that two ovens located in a building are not “commissioned only if the gaseous effluents emitted from them are recovered and routed to a gas purification installation that meets standards”. If the Picardy company does not carry out the requested work within three months, it risks sanctions provided for by the environmental code, i.e. the payment of a sum corresponding to the amount of the work to be carried out.