a team of car thieves arrested

In 10 months, from March 2021 to December 2021, several individuals stole 25 major vehicles: Audi, Range, Mercedes, Porsch… The estimated damage amounts to 650,000 euros. Throughout this period, thieves from Valencia act at night. Equipped with thermal grinders, they break into independent garages or car dealerships using ram cars.

The team of criminals is experienced but the hundred gendarmes mobilized on this operation gradually overlap the facts. The operating methods are similar in the garages of Savoie, Drôme and Loire.

Ten Valentinois were finally arrested on July 5. They are all between 16 and 25 years old and some of them are minors. All were indicted for organized theft. Among them, three were remanded in custody, the other seven are now under judicial control. The vehicles could have been used for robberies or Gofasts in the Southeast. The judicial inquiry has yet to confirm this hypothesis.

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