Excellence, respect and friendship. These three words, values of Olympism, resound in the classroom of the school “Les Frontailles” in Saint-Pierre d’Albigny in Savoie. They come from the mouth of Pierre Mathieux, ambassador of the Olympic and Paralympic week in the academy of Grenoble. Since Monday and until Saturday, sport has been invited to schools through this special week for promote sports practice among young people and inculcate the values of Olympism.
Raising awareness about disability
The ambassador details the values one by one. “Excellence because the objective is to bring back the Olympic title”, “respect because whatever our origins, our skin color, our political opinions, we must respect each other”and “friendship because the Games are a moment of peace, everyone must compete in brotherhood”. Children listen, ask questions and remember. “Friendship is when you are united, excellence when you are strong”, says a student. During the 45 minutes of intervention, the emphasis is also placed on sport for people with disabilities.
– Francois Ventejou
The children are then invited to another room to put themselves in the shoes of disabled athletes. For example, they try blind football. “There is a guide and a visually impaired person so we learn to share and help each other”, explains Emmanuel Prieur, departmental delegate of the Sports Union for primary education, mobilized during this special week.
30 minutes of sport per day
This year, the guest of the Olympic and Paralympic week is Thomas Pésquet. The French astronaut encourages all children to practice 30 minutes of physical activity a day.