a system to reduce inequalities in ZEP establishments


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Education: a system to reduce inequalities in ZEP establishments

Education: a system to reduce inequalities in ZEP establishments – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – M. Miktar, M. Larguet, C. Motte, S. Lequesne, O. Labalette, E. Tanguy

France Televisions

Gabriel Attal, Minister of National Education, announced that all colleges located in priority education zones (ZEP) will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the start of the September school year. 1,100 colleges will benefit from the system.

Ten days after his announcements to raise the level of students, Gabriel Attal was immersed in a freshly rebuilt school in Denain (North), Friday December 15. A symbol of the new impetus that the Minister of National Education wants to give to his policy, with a reaffirmation of fundamental knowledge, such as French or mathematics. The city of Demain has expressed its interest in experimenting with school uniforms. Gabriel Attal had announced that he was in favor of a large-scale test a few days earlier.

“Our goal is equal opportunities”

In a college in Épinay-sur-Seine (Seine-Saint-Denis), Gabriel Attal came to defend his most important announcement on Friday morning: from the next school year, 1,100 colleges located in priority education zones (ZEP) will welcome students from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., compared to 200 currently. There will be a distribution of breakfasts, help with homework and orientation, as well as sports and cultural activities. “Our goal is equal opportunities”, assured the minister. Some parents regret that the system is not extended to all colleges.

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