a swinging gothic tale

Dracula will see all the colors. Today, it is the National Jazz Orchestra (ONJ) ​​which is vampirizing it under the direction of Frédéric Maurin for the youngest: formidable. The result is very far from Bram Stoker’s novel and films, but respectful of his gothic universe, in a macabre romance à la Tim Burton, on a devilish jazz music. Magnificent voices and imagery inspired by Adèle Maury in the libretto.

Daughter of Mina, whose name she bears, a young girl is looking for her mother in the Carpathians. She arrives at the castle from the tale Dracula who falls in love with her. Vampire, the only solution to escape his curse is for a woman to love him. He has time for an hourglass to convince Mina of his love.

If the musical tale of the ONJ has little to do with Stoker’s novel, it respects its codes by mixing them with The beauty and the Beast, better known to children. And the alchemy takes! The gothic color of the tale and the music introduce the youngest to music that is never intended for them: demanding jazz, accessible thanks to musical dramaturgy. This is to say if their parents, jazz lovers, will also be satisfied.

Passing from hand to hand since 1977, the ONJ keeps its own sound, while reflecting the legacy of successive artistic directors. Frédéric Maurin, who signs his third album with training, links harmony and dissonance, with an introduction of the voices in the brass and electric orchestra. A musical approach perfectly suited to the musical tale, whether this Dracula illustrates in more than one way.

The story is a continuation of the novel, as there are others. It follows a romantic frame, the songs are bewitching, the moods gloomy, but also swinging, we dance with Dracula! The illustrations in the book – magnificent full-page charcoals -, embellished with texts, bring music, reading and illustration into a dialogue in a playful harmony. A very nice CD-book, and if the show is happening near you, a vampiric evening guaranteed.

National Jazz Orchestra
Under the direction of Frédéric Maurin
ONJ Records

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