a survey to probe the mental health of children



France 3

Article written by

L. Legendre-Trousset, J. Mimouni, S. Thiebaut, P. Maire, A. Boulet – France 3

France Televisions

An unprecedented study has just been launched by Public Health France on the mental health of 3-11 year olds, sometimes disturbed by the health crisis. 30,000 of them will be questioned throughout France. The objective is to respond to their anxieties in a crucial period of their lives.

For some children, the Covid remains a bad memory that has faded over time. For others, the epidemic has left certain traumas in its wake. This is what the Public Health France survey on the mental health of children aged 3 to 11 wants to explore, among others.

30,000 children from the small section to CM2 will be consulted anonymously, as well as parents and teachers. Sanitary rules may have confused some children. “There has been a doubling of suicide attempts, a doubling of the emergency reception wing at the hospital in child psychiatry, consumption of antidepressants and psychotropic drugs which have skyrocketed among children and adolescents”details Serge Hefez, child psychiatrist at the Pitié-Salpêtrière AP-HP hospital in Paris.

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