A Sunday in Armendarits, a village where culture is rich!

Armendarits, Lower Navarrese village which is the living area of ​​Saint Palais, surrounded by the villages of Helette, Saint Martin d’Arbéroue, Saint Esteben, Méharin, Iholdy, Beyrie sur Joyeuse and Lantabat. This village is about 45 kilometers from Bayonne.
This week we put our microphones at the Urruty restaurant where Marie-Christine invited us, then we met Frédéric Landagaray there to talk about Besta Berri, Christophe Heguy for the Denek Bat pelota club and Jean-Marc Garat for the theatre.

The Urruty bar-restaurant

Establishment located in the middle of the village of Armendarits, the bar-restaurant Urruty is in a way the heart of the village. Marie-Christine has run this establishment masterfully since she took it over from her parents more than 30 years ago. If you go there during the week, you will have the opportunity to eat a hearty worker’s menu. It is also possible for you to book the weekend in order to organize receptions of all kinds, such as weddings, baptisms, company meals… The Urruty restaurant also takes care of providing meals during events such as the Elhina challenge or Besta Berri. Do not hesitate to go and have a look!

The Denek Bat pelota club

It was in 1963 that the clubs of Helette and Armendarits merged to create the club Denek Bat, but it was not until 1970 that it was formalized. Since then, the club has welcomed pilotari from other villages around. Today, Denek Bat has more than 200 licensees, men and women alike. In 1989, they created the Elhina challenge, a bare-hand pelota tournament that challenges the best Elite Pro players and counted in the Esku Pilota circuit. The 2022 edition ended on June 19th, so they’ll give you an appointment next year!!

Besta Berri

Also called Corpus Christi, it is a religious festival that has been celebrated in the village for decades. It is a procession during which the inhabitants of the village dress up as sappers, spearmen or even Roosters. This festival brings together villagers of all ages and continues to be perpetuated year after year as in a few more villages. The second part of this party will be given next Sunday, July 3, on the occasion of the Octave.


It was a little over three years ago, during a slightly drunken meal, that some residents challenged themselves to put on a play thanks to the newcomer to the village, who was a great amateur. theatre. Since then, it has become a sort of tradition to put on a play and to propose its performance during the patronal feasts of Armendarits. Since 2002, it is with the help of Pantzo Hirigarai, his texts and his staging, that they perpetuate this custom very appreciated by the villagers. This year, the play is called “Gau Bele” and it will be presented on August 13 and 20. See you there!!

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