a summit meeting in Rome



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A few weeks after the Australian submarine crisis, Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden met in Rome (Italy), for the first time since the diplomatic incident.

A symbolic handshake between President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden, in Rome (Italy). A few weeks after the Australian submarine crisis, Emmanuel Macron now wishes to look to the future. A very different speech than that given by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian, last September. Today the Franco-American dialogue has resumed and the French ambassador has returned to his post in Washington (United States).

The two nations now look to the future and recalled the important ties between France and the United States. Joe Biden admitted that what had happened with the submarines was “awkward”. France now wants the United States to help them in the fight against jihadists in the Sahel. Paris also hopes that Washington will support the common European defense project.


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