a summit in Kenya against plastic pollution


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1 minute

Environment: a summit in Kenya against plastic pollution

Environment: a summit in Kenya against plastic pollution – (franceinfo)

In Nairobi (Kenya), Monday November 13, 175 countries met to discuss a treaty against plastic pollution.

Since Monday, November 13, 175 countries have been present in Nairobi (Kenya) to find concrete measures against plastic, an environmental scourge. A global summit against plastics in the Kenyan capital and environmental protesters expressing their concern. Because plastics are everywhere and they are increasingly infiltrating ecosystems. In 20 years, their annual production has doubled, with today 460 million tonnes. It should even triple by 2060.

Plastic, a source of greenhouse gases

“The production of plastic is the cause of many environmental problems right from the extraction of oil. It is a significant contributor to greenhouse gases”, explains Henri Bourgeois Costa, member of the Tara Océan Foundation. Plastics in 2019 accounted for 3.4% of greenhouse gases, a figure that is expected to double in 2060. Once produced, they are almost impossible to eliminate. Other international summits are planned to obtain a first global treaty against plastics within a year.

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