“A successful bet” for Ian Brossat, deputy mayor of Paris

The PCF spokesperson welcomed the mobilization on Sunday October 16 and called for the movement to continue on Tuesday October 18, the day of the call for an interprofessional strike.

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The March on Sunday October 16 in Paris against the high cost of living and climate inaction is “a successful bet” for Ian Brossat, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of housing and spokesperson for the PCF. “There were a lot of peoplehe adds, there is a lot of anger in our country.”

>> On the march against the high cost of living, ecological and social demands to denounce “the same exploitation of the planet and of human beings”

Regarding the mobilization scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, Ian Brossat calls for a general strike: “Obviously I call for massive participation in both the strike and the demonstrations that will take place that day.” For the spokesperson, it is “essential if we want the government to listen a little more with the left ear and stop listening systematically with the right ear“.

“When you listen to Gabriel Attal who explains that the strike is useless“, in reference to the intervention of the Minister of Public Accounts who ruled on Sunday “unacceptable the continuation of blockages”the spokesperson shows his disagreement: “The reality is that all the great social advances in our country have been achieved thanks to strikes and social mobilizations.” And the deputy mayor of Paris to add: “I invite Gabriel Attal to renounce all the social gains that were obtained thanks to the strike.”

“Who decided that a worker should be paid with a slingshot?asks Ian Brossat. What we are seeing at the moment is that Total employees carry out an essential job and that, without them, France is not running.” Also according to him, the increase in wages must be general: “That’s why I see with a good eye the generalization of the strike, which will allow all professions to mobilize to demand better remuneration for work.”

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