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The fuel shortage is seriously disrupting the government’s program. Emmanuel Macron is traveling in Mayenne, Monday, October 10. Live from Château-Gontier, in the department, journalist Anne Bourse explains that the head of theState will necessarily be expected on the subject.
Emmanuel Macron is traveling in Mayenne, Monday, October 10. Live from Château-Gontier (Mayenne)journalist Anne Stock market explains that the president is expected on the subject of the fuel shortage: “Difficult for the leader of theState not to address the subject of fuels. Today, of course, he travels to talk about public services and medical deserts here, in Mayenne, but everyone is also waiting for him on the news of the moment.
“Even if the West had been less affected by the difficulties in refueling, this is no longer the case, and everyone is talking about it. Friday, from Prague [République tchèque], Emmanuel Macron had however launched: ‘Do not panic’. But the situation continues to deteriorate. Despite everything, the president does not change anything in his program. Same thing for Elisabeth Borne, who continues her trip to Algeria. (…) The executive, who does not want to appear disconnected from the daily life of the French, may well repeat that everything is done to unblock the situation, for the moment, there is no change for the French who get impatient”concludes the journalist.