A student from Montpellier took a bike tour of France through associations thanks to Wweeddoo

After her big bike trip, Julia Morath swapped the cycling helmet for a big brown hat. The biology student at the Montpellier University of Sciences took a gap year after her license. She used it to carry out a project close to his heart. During the summer of 2022, she went to meet associations that study and protect wildlife.

She took the opportunity to conduct filmed interviews with the people who work in these associations. Videos that she will then post on Youtube. A trip thatMontpellier student did it by bike! And to carry it out, she was helped by theWweddoo company
which accompanies young people to carry out projects.

Interview with Julia Morath, student from Montpellier who was helped by Wweeddoo to carry out her project of tour of France of associations by bike.

After three years of a biology license at the Montpellier University of Sciences, what motivated you to go on a bike tour of France?

First of all, I wanted to discover France, but above all to set up a scientific mediation project since I am now pursuing a master’s degree in scientific mediation. So the goal was to meet associations that study and protect the wildlife. To interview the people who are behind these associations, to film their actions, what they actually do. To make reports that will be broadcast on YouTube.

My biggest goal was really to get to know all these associations which are actually very little known by the general public. All that is wildlife, ultimately, there are very few people who know. The scientific aspect can seem to us sometimes very distant from society. And so the goal was really to make them known, to also show all the diversity of animals that we have in France. And then, at the same time, with the cycling aspect, to discover our regions.

How Wweeddoo helped you carry out this project?

Wweeddoo is really a platform that allowed me to have a support on which find contacts, advice, having people who can answer my questions, my questions. Because the hardest part of having a project like this is knowing where to start.

And then it allowed me to respond to calls for projects to collect scholarships. And then put a kitty online. It’s really a platform where I was able to put everything in place to be accompanied in my project.

For example, did you raise funds to successfully carry out this project?

Yes, I did a fundraiser. In the beginning, I had my close friends. And then after people from a much wider circle, friends of friends, then after people I didn’t necessarily know who were able to be affected and who were able to contribute.

And then I participated in calls for projects, so companies, associations that set up scholarships on different criteria that you can obtain if you answer the call.

How, concretely, Wweeddoo supported you. Is it a person who is in contact with you by telephone or do you have appointments in person?

We have a person assigned to us, who is available to answer our questions and our calls throughout the week and throughout our project. So there again, today, I finished my tour of France by bike, but I may have questions about how to disseminate all this information now. They are always there to accompany me, give me advice, contacts, redirect me. So it’s really a long-term follow-up from A to Z.

For students who would like to carry out a personal project and who would like to be helped by Wweeddoo. How to contact them? How to be helped like you?

It’s quite simple. On the platform, you can submit a project at any time, even if it’s just an idea. So we can start to describe our project a little bit and then they will contact us to ask us where we are at, etc. They ask us if we need help, when do we plan to put it in place.

Is it free?

Yes quite.

To follow the continuation of the project of Julia Morath, click here.

To submit a project on the site of Wweeddoo, click here.


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