a strong migration crisis on the border with Mexico


Video duration:
2 min


Article written by

franceinfo – B. Mousset, A. Lévêque

France Televisions

Thousands of people near the Mexican border hope to reach the United States. In the hope of getting through, they are forced to live in a very precarious situation, without permanent housing.

1,200 kilometers from the American border, in a small Mexican station in Irapuato, thousands of migrants hope to reach the United States. The best way to do this is to board a freight train. But there are so many candidates for exile that the main Mexican railway company has decided to suspend the circulation of these trains, because it cannot ensure the safety of the journeys.

Some wait along California

We’ll wait here and sleep there“, explains Naibelin, a Venezuelan migrant. “Our situation is to live on the street. Thank God they gave us food, because elsewhere we have nothing“, testifies André, FriEzuelian too. Along the border with California, the situation for migrants is no different. Some want to go illegally, while others hope that their asylum application will be examined by immigration authorities.

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