A strong explosion took place in a building in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, the prefecture asks to avoid the sector

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The explosion took place around 5 p.m. Firefighters are on site.

What there is to know

An explosion took place in Paris, in the fifth arrondissement, on Wednesday June 21, around 5 p.m. A column of smoke is visible above the site of the explosion. According to the firefighters, at France Télévisions, the explosion took place in the rue Saint-Jacques. A fire is in progress, the facade of the building has collapsed on the road, indicates a police source to France Télévisions.

According to the first deputy mayor of Paris, Edouard Civel, it is a gas explosion that took place at Place Alfonse Lavaran, in the Val de Grâce district. “Buildings are set on fire”he said on Twitter.

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#PARIS Hello everyone, you are very numerous in this live to challenge me on the imposing plume of smoke, visible for a few minutes in Paris. It’s about a “gas explosion” in a building near the Val-de-Grâce military hospital, according to Edouard Civel, first deputy mayor of the 5th arrondissement. The latter adds that “Buildings are set on fire”.

21-Jun-2023 17:18

#PARIS Inhabitants of the 5th, a gas explosion has just occurred in Place Alfonse Laveran in the Val de Grace district, buildings are on fire, stay away to allow firefighters to intervene @Mairie5Paris
21-Jun-2023 17:18

#PARIS The facade of the building in which the explosion took place “collapsed on the pavement”, learned France Télévisions from a police source. A fire is in progress, also confirms the same source.

21-Jun-2023 17:25

#PARIS The police prefecture indicates that an intervention of the firefighters is in progress, and asks the inhabitants to avoid the sector.

21-Jun-2023 17:26

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