a strike planned at the airport at the time of the arrival of 54 European ministers

A strike notice is launched among air traffic controllers and engineers at Brest airport this Wednesday and Friday as European ministers meet for a summit.

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Air traffic controllers and maintenance engineers at Brest-Bretagne airport (Finistère) are called on strike between Wednesday 12 and Friday 14 January, while 54 European ministers are expected in the city during these two days for a summit on defense and diplomacy under the French presidency of the European Union, France Bleu Breizh Izel reported Monday, January 10.

The USACcgt, the largest union for civil aviation officials, has filed a strike notice against the understaffing. The Brest agents denounce in particular “the now unsustainable mismatch between the human resources assigned to them and the public service missions assigned to them”.

According to them, their employer, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC), refuses to hear their demands. However, no flight will be canceled for the arrival of ministers. All the officials have been requisitioned.

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