a strike call at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs scheduled for June 2

The unions express their “unease” in the face of an “avalanche of reforms”, particularly that ending the French diplomatic corps.

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The diplomatic corps. Several unions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched, Thursday, May 19, a strike call for June 2. An extremely rare event at the Quai d’Orsay to express their “faintness” facing a “avalanche of reforms”particularly the one ending the French diplomatic corps.

This is the second strike action in the history of the ministry, the first having taken place in 2003 for compensation issues, notes Olivier da Silva, head of the CFTC union. Evidence according to him “real unease in a house that does not have a rebellious tradition”.

“The Quai d’Orsay is gradually disappearing”worry the six unions as well as a collective of 400 young diplomats, denouncing in particular the reform recording the end of career diplomats, the reduction of consular activities and the job cuts.

“These measures dismantling our diplomatic tool are nonsense at a time when war has just returned to Europe.”

Trade unions

in their strike notice

The most controversial reform concerns the “extinguishing” progressive by 2023 of the two historical bodies of French diplomacy, ministers plenipotentiary and foreign affairs advisers. The diplomats concerned – some 700 people – are called upon to join a new body of “state administrators”.

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