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A quarter of service stations are still having difficulty distributing fuel, Sunday, October 16. Many motorists spent their day looking for gasoline before returning to work on Monday.
Even if the counters of this service station in the Rouen conurbation (Seine-Maritime) are at zero, a few motorists tried their luck on Sunday, October 16 in the morning. “I’m a home care assistant and there, I don’t know how I’m going to get to work tomorrow”, one of them testifies. “I did [les stiations-service] of Super U, Saint-Étienne, Leclerc, Carrefour… There’s nothing”, says another. A few kilometers away, in Grand-Quevilly, another supply point was closed.
“I knew there were some yesterday, but today, here it is, it’s as usual. I’m going to go up to Bois-Guillaume, I’m going to see if I find any on the way”, hopes this motorist. These stockouts still concerned, on Saturday, a little more than a quarter of the stations. For a few days, on the other hand, diesel seems to be returning to the pump. With 80 kilometers of road to go to work, Amélie, who came to the station without success, must continue her quest. Others decide to fall back on the bus, when they can get to work by this means.