a strategic bridge partly destroyed by an explosion


France 3

Article written by

L. Nahan, L. Lacroix, A. D’Abrigeon – France 3

France Televisions

A vehicle bomb exploded on Saturday, October 8, and partially destroyed the Crimean bridge. This peninsula, annexed by Moscow in 2014, is a strategic and symbolic infrastructure. The roads and railways are badly damaged. Russia has opened an investigation.

In the early morning, Saturday October 8, a huge explosion shook the Crimean bridge. Quickly, the authorities evoke a truck bomb. CCTV cameras captured the attack. A freight train catches fire. Part of the roadway is ripped open and damaged in the water, road and rail traffic is completely at a standstill. In the sights of the Russian authorities, the Ukrainian enemy, whom they suspect of being at the origin of these attacks.

Because the bridge is a strategic axis. It allows Russia to have direct access to Crimea, annexed in 2014. The work was inaugurated with great fanfare by Vladimir Putin in 2018, who for the occasion even got behind the wheel of a truck . Since the beginning of the war, the bridge has allowed the Russians to transport combatants and equipment. He was the subject of great surveillance, in particular with the help of cameras, which however did not make it possible to thwart the attack. The Ukrainians did not officially claim responsibility for the attack on the bridge, but on the other hand they welcomed it enthusiastically.

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