a stork, trapped by our waste, was saved


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

T. Maillet, France 3 Besançon, F. Buridant, A. Laroche, Q. Dany – France 3

France Televisions

Since Sunday June 18, a stork was in danger because its beak was stuck in a can of coke. She was able to be saved but she could no longer eat or drink. A very sad illustration of the impact of litter on animals.

In Charmoille (Haute-Saône), Paul still cannot believe what he saw. In a field, right in the middle of a group of storks, he spotted one with a peculiarity.I saw she had a coke can stuck in her mouth“, comments Paul. He tried to grab her to take the can away from her but without success.

Cattle who died after ingesting plastic bags

Since becoming a farmhand, he has seen an increase in litter in the fields, which has the protection of the league of birds worried. Jean-Pierre is a farmer and mayor of a small village in Haute-Saône. Practically every day, he discovers rubbish thrown into the communal woods near a very busy road. Some of his cattle died after ingesting plastic bags found in grasslands. The stork was finally able to be saved.

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