If the proposed resolution is adopted in November, this commission of inquiry will be created, several parliamentary sources told franceinfo.
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“Good news”. The president of the La France insoumise (LFI) group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, announced Tuesday September 26 that“a resolution allowing the creation of a commission of inquiry into the question of the scandals which have been denounced” on lucrative private daycare centers will be examined by MEPs in November. It will be included on the agenda for the control week of November 27, the entourage of the President of the National Assembly told Agence Radio France.
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If this proposed resolution is adopted, this commission of inquiry will be created, several parliamentary sources told franceinfo. “We will probably succeed in November in extracting this commission of inquiry thanks to the parliamentary group of La France insoumise and to all the whistleblowers who did the work throughout the country for this scandal to appear”enthuses the leader of the LFI deputies in the National Assembly.
“Three books have been released to denounce this scandal”
She recalls that this commission of inquiry “had been proposed by William Martinet, LFI deputy, at the time when the Igas report [Inspection général des affaires sociales] was out” and reminds that “three books have recently come out to denounce this scandal”A “scandal mirroring what happened in particular with Orpea in Ephad”.