“A state of desire propels me”, how Maïwenn fell under the spell of Johnny Depp when she had chosen Gérard Depardieu as Louis XV in her film!

This Friday, May 12, 2023, a few days before the opening of the Cannes Film Festival ceremony, the newspaper Release gave a long interview to Maïwen Le Besco whose film JoanBarrywill be screened at the opening. A long-term project for the 47-year-old artist whose debut as an actress was seen in The Kid, in 1992, alongside Johnny Hallyday. Today, in addition to her talents as an actress, it is as a confirmed director that she holds the top of the bill, leading, in front of and behind the cameras, the greatest actors. For his latest feature film, Jeanne du Barry, in theaters on May 16, the beautiful brunette is indeed a director and holds both the main role of this historical film recounting the life of the last mistress in title of Louis XV. And for the national daily, the one who was also the screenwriter of My King, told the backstage of her first meeting with Johnny Depp, in a London palace: “He gets up to greet me, an attentive look, instruction, a lot of humor. He tells me that France is his second country.” The mother of Shanna, 30, and Diego, 20, admits that she had thought of him after offering the role of the King of France to… Gérard Depardieu! This one having declined, the director was looking for a new monarch… And it took audacity to meet the Hollywood bad boy.

See also: Gérard Depardieu targeted by the sordid testimony of 13 women in “Médiapart”

“I want to make the film with you” Johnny Depp told him

Deglamorized since his trial-river against Amber Heard, his ex-wife who accused him of domestic violence, it was necessary to restore a sovereign stature to Johnny Depp. First of all, erase his American accent, write him tailor-made dialogues but also comfort him by offering him other positive partners such as Pierre Richard, Louis Garrel or Benjamin Lavernhe.

On the occasion of this meeting, which would have lasted “until 2 a.m.”the filmmaker would have observed everything with the greatest meticulousness: “Maïwenn scrutinizes everything, the skin of her actor, his gaze, his hair, since she wants to film the king in private, without a wig”, reports the newspaper. And, during the interview, Johnny Depp would have for example evoked his weariness of the cinema, while ordering wine, cheeseand confiding that he now preferred to indulge in his passion for singing and guitar. Before concluding : “I want to make the movie with you”. At the time of the meeting, the American has not yet gone through the court box against his ex, but Maïwenn remembers that there was no question for him to abdicate. And to add:It’s true, I must be fascinated, in a state of desire, it propels me”, she confided about her relationship with the actors. A difficult shoot will follow, postponed to the summer of 2022 following the Covid-19 pandemic, punctuated by mutual misunderstandings between the French director and the Hollywood actor. “Un exciting fight of beastswill summarize for Paris Match one of the actors in the film. For now, let’s hope the film appeals to viewers…


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