A star of the current season of “10 perfect couples” suspected of having stolen Adil Rami from Pamela Anderson… unexpected revelations!

After a second altercation with Maeva Ghennam in a Dubai nightclub during the SDM concert, Lila Taleb is once again talking about her on the Web. Rest assured, the reality TV candidate has regained her composure. This time, it is the turn of his romantic relationships to intrigue internet users. Indeed, the pretty brunette from “10 perfect couples” seems to be getting closer to a famous sportsman. A footballer who could make him forget his sawtooth affair with Ahmed Thaï. A few months ago, the sworn enemy of Feliccia and Mujdat began a tumultuous love affair with the ex of Sarah Fraisou. A flirt that Luna Skye’s girlfriend should quickly leave behind. More than two years after breaking up with the star of “Alert to Malibu”, Adil Rami would now be very close to the candidate of the “Rest of the World”.

You will therefore have understood, the ex of Pamela Anderson would have set his sights on Lila Taleb. The two celebrities also follow each other on social networks. And that’s not all ! They also have fun liking their respective photos. In addition, the current defender of ES Troyes AC would be in Paris, just like the young woman. Rumors of a possible love affair are therefore rife. Aqababe thus spoke on his Instagram account: “Adil Rami and Lila Taleb follow each other, like each other and are both in Paris…”, indicated the blogger. A story that he does not seem to validate. “Going from Pamela Anderson to Lila Taleb, I hope it’s wrong”, wrote the young man while specifying that the flirtation would probably not go further. Lila would also have approached another man. It now remains to be seen whether the pretty brunette will formalize a new romantic relationship in the coming weeks. To be continued…


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