a stabbing attack injured several people, including children, the assailant was neutralized

A stabbing attack in a park in Annecy (Haute-Savoie) left seven injured, including six children, Thursday June 8 around 9:45 a.m., according to the first report that reached us. Three vital prognoses are engaged. Ihe individual is a Syrian asylum seeker, according to our information. He was neutralized. The balance sheet could change.

“Several people including children were injured by an individual armed with a knife in a square in Annecy. The individual was arrested thanks to the very rapid intervention of the police”, for his part tweeted Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior. Follow our live.

Elisabeth Borne goes there. The Prime Minister has taken the direction of Annecy, announced Matignon to AFP.

Strong reactions. Once again, our children are the target of increasing violence in our society. I thank the police who arrested the attacker. This act cannot go unpunished.” tweeted Charlotte Caubel, Secretary of State for Children. On Twitter, Antoine Armand, Renaissance deputy for Haute-Savoie, mentioned a “Abominable attack”.

A minute of silence at the National Assembly. The President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, invited to this moment of meditation “for them, for their families, after this “severe attack”.

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