a speech announced as proactive and optimistic but without escaping the “mess” of Covid-19

Emmanuel Macron will send his wishes to the French, Friday December 31 at 8 p.m., less than four months before the presidential election and while France is hit by a new epidemic wave. In his speech, the president will not be able to avoid the health issue, according to various personalities of the “Macron camp” consulted by franceinfo. “The next few days are shaping up to be such a mess that he won’t be able to escape it“, loose one of his friends. Under these conditions,”it is very difficult to trace perspectives“, fears for its part a tenor of the majority.

The Elysee nevertheless assures that this evening’s speech will not be swallowed up by the health dossier. A parliamentarian sums up the probable message in advance: “Of course, the war is not over, you have to adapt every day, but now is not the time to relax“. The year that ends has not been a day without end, adds Stanislas Guerini, the boss of The Republic in motion. According to him, thanks to the vaccine and thanks to the recovery plans, the situation has radically changed in one year and “it’s time to tell yourself“.

In the “Macron camp”, we promise a proactive, optimistic speech. “He must respond to weariness“of the French, advises one of his most fervent supporters, according to whom”the country can emerge stronger from the crisis“. The president will again endeavor to demonstrate that”the solutions are national and European“, on the eve of the start of the French presidency of the European Union.

These wishes are also the last of the term for which Emmanuel Macron was elected in 2017. Every word from the outgoing president, who has not yet declared himself a candidate for the next presidential election, will therefore be scrutinized. “He has ants in his legs“, says a relative, according to whom the current head of state keeps very remote the idea that these wishes can be the last.”Saying it to himself is not his style, he is very serene“, adds this source. That said, no one in his entourage is betting on an announcement of candidacy this evening.

On the other hand, it would be “amazing not to mention“the presidential deadline, believes a historic member of the Republic on the move. For him, a president who sets the stakes for 2022 cannot ignore this moment of choice.”We will see the president for a second term, which is not the same as a candidate“, predicts a support, which recalls that Emmanuel Macron”has always planned for 10 years, and that the end of the five-year term in April did not prevent it from launching its France 2030 plan“. An old friend of Emmanuel Macron assures us that“he will find the formula to tell the French, without declaring himself, that he will not abandon them and that he loves them”. What he has already done a lot during his long interview two weeks ago, on TF1.

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