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A spectacular tornado swept through western Germany on Friday, May 20, in Rhineland-Palatinate. It was the municipality of Paderborn that was mainly affected, and the damage was considerable.
Taking refuge under a bus shelter, they are taken by surprise by the tornado. Winds over 200 km / h sweep the city center of Paderborn, Friday, May 20, in western Germany. The inhabitants barricade themselves in emergency because, outside, the debris is raining, and the trees are collapsing. An extremely rare phenomenon in the country, which occurred after several days of high heat. In the city of Lippstadt, another tornado forms. The person filming the footage walks away just in time. A few minutes later, the store is completely devastated.
Scene of chaos after the passage of the tornado, the residents are stunned. “It’s a war movie script”, said a resident. Trees were even uprooted by the storm. In all, 43 people were injured, and material damage is estimated at several million euros. These record bad weather affected the entire west of the country. A 38-year-old man has died.