A special retirement hotline for women

Reducing the pension gap between men and women is what Sapiendo Retraite wants, which is mobilizing between Monday March 7 and Friday March 11, 2022, by proposing the rule of the three “Is”: Inform, Invite to share, Encourage to resume a professional activity.

This hotline will allow women to obtain concrete answers to the questions they have about their retirement, and sound advice at the following number:
01 76 44 15 85 with retreat experts between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.

Gender inequalities continue into retirement. 40% pension gap between women and men. The 2021 report by the Drees (Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics Department) “Retired people and pensions” highlights that women’s retirement pensions are, on average, 40% lower than those of men.

These inequalities are the mirror of career inequalities between men and women because retirement reflects the remuneration received throughout a professional life. The figures are eloquent: on retirement, women receive on average a direct gross pension (excluding survivor’s pension) of only 1,145 euros per month, whereas it is 1,924 euros for men. Thus, for generations of young retirees (born in 1952), the difference is 33% compared to 54% for women born in 1930. (Source: Drees.)

The differences vary according to the pension schemes due to different calculation rules. Thus, the difference for women civil servants is reduced to 16%, because their pensions are calculated on the basis of the last index salary held for at least 6 months, thus erasing certain career accidents.

For the other schemes, retirement reflects the best 25 years or even all the years of the career, without any possibility of selection. Sapiendo goes further with concrete proposals to improve women’s retirement and offers solutions that could be put in place quickly.

I like Inform : Make the right decision in the event of a planned interruption or reduction in professional activity. Inform with more readable payslips that highlight the total pension contributions and the rights that result from them. “Thanks to this measure, women would thus become aware of what they would lose by reducing or interrupting their activity, but also the level of information on retirement would be improved for all French people. Which is not negligible when you know the feeling of lack of information in this area”underlines Valérie Batigne, founder and president of Sapiendo Retraite.

I like Invite to share: To restore a certain balance in favor of those who agree to a reduction in activity in the interest of the household, invite them to share the retirement points.

I like incite to resume a professional activity: To benefit from a better retirement, encourage them to resume a professional activity by granting “boosters”.

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