A special representative! | The duty

Before occupying an important position affecting all Canadians, and this also includes Quebeckers, Ms.me Amira Elghawaby, special representative for the fight against Islamophobia, has she ever taken a course in Canadian history? Has she only read a single short article on the history of Quebec or on recent news in Quebec? Probably not, judging by his contemptuous, inflammatory and unsubstantiated statements.

Before appointing her, Justin Trudeau could have made sure that she had a minimum of knowledge about relations between Quebecers and Muslims. He should have told him that, in the 1950s and 1960s, educational institutions in Quebec generously received and trained a very large number of North Africans who had taken refuge here to escape the war in Algeria. And that Quebec student and union circles provided the political approach of these young Muslims with spontaneous and dynamic support which was enriching on both sides and which left fond memories for many Algerians who then independence in them.

These expressions of sympathy for the Algerians and other African separatists were so large and public that they provoked concern and resentment from French, Canadian and even American authorities towards French-speaking Quebecers. Beautiful subject of study that Mme Elghawaby should have considered before grossly and unjustly condemning us as she did.

Secondly, Mr. Trudeau could also have familiarized her with the enormous work and the considerable investments that Quebecers have made, particularly in Muslim countries, first by their Catholic missionaries and then, from 1968 to 2013, by the through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The inventory would be absolutely staggering. Can we also say that, at the same time, there was almost never any question of international aid from Muslim countries for other Muslim countries?

If she really wants to do useful and necessary work, Mrs.me Elghawaby could perhaps start by doing work on herself and then undertake to preach openness to others and fight against systemic racism, racial discrimination and religious intolerance in the Muslim countries that have them. much needed. Would they even let her in with such a program?

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