“A special gift”, when a birthday present dynamises your evening!

In a “special gift” we find Eric who will celebrate his 50th birthday. Sabine, his devoted wife, has prepared a small party for his birthday, because Eric doesn’t like big get-togethers. Gilles, his best friend, but also his partner, will be the only one to be invited.

Before going to the table to taste a good coq au vin, Sabine and Gilles offer him his gifts. That of his wife fills him with joy… but when he discovers that of Gilles, he just chokes! Flabbergasted, he blurts out: “But why are you offering me this?”

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What image can give the character of Eric so that his friend gives him this gift? The image is a varnish that cracks over the years and lets glimpse, by dazzling, the true personality of someone. These moments of truth are stealthy and, like a puzzle, can establish a personality different from that of the apparent image, thus recreating the true identity that we are.

Of course, these questions are the backdrop of this comedy because above all this “Cadeau Particulier” is a story to entertain. They are the starting point ofan evening that will hold many surprises to our characters for our greatest satisfaction.

An evening that we prefer to watch rather than live it!

The piece is to be discovered until December 21 at The Funambule Theater Montmartre in Paris. Book your tickets quickly

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