A spa treatment for endometriosis with Thierry and Juliette from Thermes de La Léchère

Endometriosis, a long ignored disease, sometimes very difficult to live with! It affects 1 in 10 women in France, i.e. more than 2 million French women

Today, the cure or the spa stay appears without question as a particularly effective way to improve the quality and comfort of life. Treatment of endometriosis at the Thermes de La Léchère

The water from the thermal baths of La Léchère has been renowned for more than a century for its beneficial effects on gynecological disorders. In addition to their direct impact on the mucous membranes by reducing inflammation, spa treatments lead to total relaxation of the body, conducive to soothing contractions, muscle tension and chronic pain.

Led by a team of health professionals – doctor, midwife, dietician-nutritionist, osteopath, specialist in stress and pain management – the new complementary protocol to the cure or thermal stay offered by the Thermes de La Léchère aims to reduce the deleterious impact of endometrial cell inflammation.

In addition to an adapted thermal treatment, It includes treatments, workshops, activities and specific conferences. Complete and multidisciplinary protocol •

An osteopathic approach will reduce the inflammation caused by the migration of endometrial cells and will correct the postural compensations linked to the pathology.

This first consultation may be accompanied by an aquatic osteopathy session in thermal water.

• Participation in the “Thermal Stress Detox” protocol will provide the tools for better stress and pain management: measurement of stress level, heart coherence, meditation, music therapy, energy gymnastics (Idogo), physical activity, etc.

• A workshop led by a doctor on the interest of micronutrition in the management of endometriosis.

• An information conference, given by a dietitian-nutritionist specializing in endometriosis, on anti-inflammatory and hypotoxic diets.

• A meeting with a midwife to better understand their disease and limit its consequences in daily life

More info on the Thermes website

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