A sovereign Quebec | No “sacrifices” to be made, according to St-Pierre Plamondon

(Saint-Hyacinthe) Responding to François Legault, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon assures that Quebecers will not have to make “sacrifices” following the creation of a sovereign Quebec. On the contrary, the PQ leader anticipates that the “birth of a country” will cause general “effervescence”.

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon does not see any negative consequences or “sacrifices” to use the words of the Prime Minister for the creation of a sovereign Quebec. In a heartfelt speech, delivered at the close of the National Council of his political party, the PQ leader in turn asks François Legault to list the “sacrifices” that Quebec is making by remaining in the federation.

“I would like the Prime Minister to tell us the truth and explain to us the sacrifices we will have to make if we remain in the Canadian federation,” said Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon, in front of an audience of won-over activists. According to him, the status quo will consist of “bequeathing to our children the status of a Quebec which is slowly sliding towards political, linguistic and cultural insignificance.”

François Legault affirmed, the day after the presentation of the year one budget for a sovereign Quebec, that the rise of Quebec to the status of a country would lead to “sacrifices” for Quebecers and that the situation could persist for years. years.

“I note first and foremost that the federalists’ speech has never been as weak as today,” retorted Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon in front of jubilant activists. According to him, the debate on the economic viability of a sovereign Quebec having been closed, Mr. Legault is “forced” to talk about the “cost” of the transition the day after a referendum in which the Yes option would prevail.

“Even if I repeat his speech which, in my opinion, is erroneous, the few years of transition of which he speaks and which would be a “sacrifice”, even if it were true, when we compare the sacrifices to which we agree to remain in Canada […] it’s a horse, a rabbit,” explained the leader of the Parti Québécois at a press conference. “I claim it’s still a scare operation,” he added.

The fact remains that Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon admits that he is not currently able to specify how long the transition period towards a country would last. “No one can predict the future, so no, I have no ability to say exactly how many years,” said the PQ leader, reiterating that the “most likely” scenario would lead “to an economic leap.”

However, he does not deny that job losses are to be expected among federal civil servants in Quebec, such as employees of the Canada Revenue Agency, but refuses for the moment to quantify them. “Before talking about sacrifices, we are going to do serious planning on this issue,” he said.

How to make your Christmas tree

On the contrary, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon firmly believes that the creation of a sovereign Quebec would sow widespread enthusiasm among the population to “work harder” to “build the country that resembles us” and which will “radiate everywhere in the world “.

“I have a feeling that’s what’s going to happen the next morning. People will stand up and say: “I just had an incredible moment. And there, what can I do to make this building look like us?” », Explained Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon at a press conference, betting that Quebecers will even want to get involved voluntarily.

There will be excitement. You can call it work, but I don’t see it as a sacrifice. It will happen spontaneously because it will be pride that replaces fear. […] Working with pride and happiness, I do it when I make my Christmas tree.

Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, leader of the Parti Québécois

After the tabling of the year one budget for a sovereign Quebec, the Parti Québécois must present in 2024 its response to the Initiative of the Century, which promotes sustained growth in immigration to Canada. The “blue book” must be presented in 2025 and the definition of Quebec citizenship in 2026.

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